Welcome to the Unlimited3D Developer Documentation—a comprehensive guide designed to assist you in seamlessly integrating the Unlimited3D solution into your website or application. This resource has been meticulously crafted to streamline the implementation process, making it as simple and efficient as possible for you to incorporate our code and leverage its expansive capabilities.
In this documentation, you'll find detailed instructions on how to utilize the Unlimited3D library. Whether you're working with a preconfigured model or looking to explore some of our unique and powerful functionalities, you'll find the guidance you need right here.
Our mission is to enable you to create rich, immersive 3D experiences with ease, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Should you encounter any challenges or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team via the following LINK.
After successfully configuring your 3D model using our 3D Configurator and publishing it, you're ready to take the next exciting step: showcasing your model on your desired webpage, online store, or any other platform of your choice.
On the Unlimited3D Publish page, you will find information regarding multiple approaches through which you can deploy your model. These user-friendly options are conveniently presented on the left-hand side of the page, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs:
Each of these deployment options is designed to ensure a seamless transition from the configuration phase to live presentation, enabling you to provide an engaging and interactive 3D experience to your audience with ease.
Incorporating the provided API Library into your website will unlock the full potential of Unlimited3D, offering you the most flexibility and extensive options to control both the model's behavior and the entire solution.
Choosing the API method allows you to go beyond the standard, creating a more intricate and rich 3D experience tailored to your specific needs. This approach is ideal for those seeking to push the boundaries of what's possible with 3D configuration, offering a wealth of customization options that enable you to create a truly unique user experience.
However, it's worth noting that while the API offers unparalleled power and flexibility, it also requires a more detailed coding and setup process compared to the Iframe option. As such, it's best suited for developers or teams with the technical expertise to harness its full capabilities.
Adding an Iframe element to directly embed the model into your webpage offers a simple and efficient integration process, making it an appealing option for quick and easy implementations.
The Iframe method is ideally suited for scenarios where your configurator is simple and doesn't necessitate customization beyond what has already been set up in the 3D Configurator. It's important to note that when using Iframe from the publish page, the API is not available, which means there are no options for adding interactions other than those pre-configured in the 3D Configurator.
Here's how you can start using the Iframe:
By utilizing the Iframe option, you can quickly integrate your 3D model without the need for complex coding, offering a seamless way to showcase your creations on your webpage.
1. Include Unlimited3D Library
Begin by incorporating the Unlimited3D library into your project. Copy and paste the following script tag within the <head> section of your HTML:
Note: Ensure that the version within the script tag matches the version displayed on the publish page in the 3D Configurator. While using older or newer versions shouldn't cause issues, maintaining synchronization minimizes potential unexpected conflicts.
2. Create a Container for the 3D Scene
Create a container for the 3D scene by creating a <div> element with the "container3d" ID. This identifier is essential, as it will be utilized by the Unlimited3D library to display the 3D scene. Remember to provide height and width attributes to the container to define its dimensions. Here's an example:
Note: The "container3d" ID is crucial for interaction between your HTML and the library.
3. Initialize the 3D Scene
To initiate the 3D scene, use the code provided in the API section on the publish page. This code configures the necessary parameters for the Unlimited3D library. Copy the code snippet below:
Note: Update the containerID to match the ID of the HTML element you've created earlier.
By following these steps, you'll successfully integrate the API and initiate your 3D scene with the customization options and parameters you've defined.
Here's an example of a basic init function call to showcase a 3D model:
In this example, the options object holds the essential parameters required for initializing the 3D scene. Replace the placeholders like distID, solution3DName, projectName, solution3DID, and containerID with the appropriate values specific to your use case.
Upon calling the Unlimited3D.init(options) function, the library establishes the necessary connections and resources to render the 3D model within the designated HTML container, creating a seamless and interactive visual experience.
One of the primary advantages of incorporating 3D scenes into your project lies in the potential for user interaction. Integration with our API library enables users to engage with the content in meaningful ways. To effectively respond to and capture these interactions, the Unlimited3D solution offers callbacks that can be defined within the options. These callbacks provide a structured approach to handle and respond to user actions within the 3D environment.
Integrating 3D scenes into web applications can lead to varying loading times, depending on the complexity and size of the models involved. The onLoadingChanged callback offers a valuable tool to monitor and manage this loading progress, thereby enhancing the user experience.
By including the onLoadingChanged function within your options object, you can actively track the loading status of the 3D scene. This callback enables real-time updates on the progress, providing opportunities to:
The onPointerClick callback serves as an essential interface for understanding and responding to user interactions within the 3D scene. As users navigate and engage with the 3D content, this callback offers means to detect and act upon their clicks on distinct elements.
When the onPointerClick callback is invoked, the 3D object that the user clicked on is placed as the first element within the response array. This organized structure facilitates handling of user clicks, allowing developers to:
The onCameraInteraction callback is designed to detect and respond to user interactions with the camera within the 3D scene. As users explore the scene from various angles, utilizing mouse or touch controls, this callback provides real-time insights into their engagement with the camera.
The onCameraInteraction callback is triggered upon any engagement with the camera, offering opportunities to:
The changeMaterials function is designed to apply different materials to specific parts of a 3D model. This targeted approach enables a precise and efficient way to change the visual appearance of various components within a scene without altering the inherent properties of the materials themselves.
The changeMaterialColor function provides a simple and effective means to adjust the color of specific materials within a 3D model. This targeted color manipulation empowers developers and designers to create dynamic and customizable visual experiences.
The switchMaterials function provides a mechanism to perform replacement of materials across an entire 3D scene. By swapping specified materials with others, this function enables developers to execute sweeping changes to the visual appearance of the entire model with ease and efficiency.
The hideParts function empowers developers to conceal specific parts or components of a 3D model within the scene. By providing selective control over visibility, this function enhances the ability to create focused and uncluttered views, or to guide user attention to particular aspects of the model.
Related Functions
The showParts function provides the ability to reveal previously hidden parts or components of a 3D model within the scene. Working in tandem with the hideParts function, it enables developers to control the visibility of specific elements, crafting interactive and tailored user experiences.
Related Functions
The onPointerClick callback extends its functionality to capturing clicks on specific parts within the 3D scene. This targeted use case allows you to trigger a variety of context-specific actions when a user clicks on a particular part of the model.
The onPointerClick callback can be utilized to capture clicks on annotations within the 3D scene. This provides additional layers of interactivity and information sharing.
The hideAnnotations function provides the capability to conceal annotations within the 3D scene. This feature offers flexibility and control, allowing developers to streamline user interactions by selectively showing or hiding annotations based on context or user input. It's especially useful in scenarios where a clean, unobstructed view of the 3D model is desired, or when directing user attention to specific parts of the scene.
Related Functions
The showAnnotations function enables developers to reveal previously hidden annotations within the 3D scene. This function allows for more dynamic and responsive user interactions, as you can control when specific annotations are displayed or hidden.
Related Functions
By using the showAnnotations function in conjunction with other Unlimited3d features, you can craft immersive and interactive 3D experiences, effectively guiding users through your content.
The changeAnnotationMaterial function allows developers to change the material of annotations within the 3D scene. Whether aiming to adapt to a different visual theme or highlight specific annotations, this function provides a versatile tool for tailoring the appearance of your 3D content.
The activateCamera function is used to activate a specified camera within the 3D scene. By switching between different camera views, developers can guide users through various perspectives and focal points, enriching the exploration and understanding of the 3D content.
The getSnapshot function allows developers to capture a screenshot of the current scene and the model within the 3D environment. By receiving parameters for width and height, this function provides a flexible way to generate images in different resolutions and aspect ratios, offering a simple method for saving, sharing, or exporting visual representations of the 3D content.
The enableAutoRotate function provides control over the automatic rotation of the 3D model within the scene. By accepting a boolean parameter enable, developers can easily toggle the auto-rotation feature on or off, enhancing the dynamics and interactivity of the viewing experience.
The updateOverlay function controls the appearance of an overlay, offering a range of parameters to adjust its look. Users can customize various aspects such as the font, image, text color, and opacity.
The changeTextOptions function enables developers to manipulate 3D text within the scene. It provides extensive control over the appearance and allows for creative customization and adaptation to various design needs.
The activateModifier function within Unlimited3D serves as a versatile wrapper that manages various modifications within a 3D scene. It functions as a central control point for handling multiple transitions, material alterations, animations, and other changes, either bundling them into a Modifier group or applying them individually.
The activateTransition function plays a crucial role in animating various aspects of the 3D scene within Unlimited3d. It's designed to activate transitions that have been previously configured, providing a dynamic and engaging experience for users.
In the context of Unlimited3D, the playAnimationSet function is designed to play animations that have been included with the model upon its upload to the platform. These pre-configured animations add life to the 3D scene, enabling a more interactive and engaging user experience.
Complementing the playAnimationSet function within Unlimited3D, the stopAnimationSet function provides control over the animations that have been incorporated into a model when uploaded to the platform. It offers the ability to halt animations at any point, granting flexibility in managing the dynamics of the 3D scene.
The setViewportTransparent function in Unlimited3D allows you to set a specific viewport as transparent within the 3D scene. This feature provides an extra layer of customization and can be used to create unique visual effects.
The activateViewport function is essential for managing multiple viewports within Unlimited3d. It allows you to activate a specific viewport, switching the focus to present a different look and feel of the 3D scene.
With the changeBackgroundColor function, you have the ability to alter the background color of the 3D scene. This function offers a simple way to adapt the visual environment to fit different themes, moods, or branding.
Unlimited3d's AR (Augmented Reality) button provides a gateway to an immersive experience, enabling users to view 3D models in a real-world context. By tapping the AR icon, users can seamlessly transition from the traditional viewing mode to an augmented reality environment, where the model can be explored in a more lifelike and engaging way.
Icon Representation